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Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies

Executive Officers

Below is a list of the Executive Officers of the FACSS organization. Each of these individuals is an unpaid volunteer for FACSS who has been duly elected by the FACSS Governing Board.

The Executive Officers roll is to advise the Governing Board on policy, study and recommend action on proposals, and assume the responsibility for the governance and welfare of the FACSS organization in the interim between Governing Board meetings.

The Governing Board Chairperson runs the Governing Board meetings that are held twice each year in the spring and fall.

The past Governing Board Chairperson remains on the Executive Committee for two years, completing a six-year term.

Contact information for these individuals can be found in the details below.

Karen Esmonde-White 

Governing Board Chair (2024 and 2025)


Mark Hayes

Governing Board Chair-Elect (2026 and 2027)

Arizona State University

Mike Carrabba

Governing Past Board Chair

Droplet Measurement Technologies

Gary Brewer

Secretary 2023-2025

ISA Analysis Division
West Virginia

Ian Lewis

Treasurer 2024-2026


Abby Bauer

Marketing Chair 2025 - 2027

Oxford Instruments

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