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Past Officers
The following individuals have served FACSS in the capacities listed below.
Governing Board Chairperson
The duties of the Chairperson of the Governing Board shall include:
- Setting the time, date and place of Governing Board meetings and ensuring that due notice of such meeting is given to all members.
- Chairing the meetings of the Governing Board and of the Executive Committee or appointing an interim Chair from among members of the Executive Committee for any meeting from which he/she will be absent.
- Preparing an agenda for each Board meeting.
- Administering the business of FACSS according to the wishes of the Governing Board, or when such requires, the Executive Committee.
- Appointing committees and committee chairs as required by the Bylaws or the actions of the board.
The Governing Board chair position is elected by the Governing Board and the current term is 2 years, plus 2 years as Chair-elect and 2 years as past-Governing Board chairperson.
- Christopher Palmer, 2020-2021
- Fred LaPlant, 2018-2019
- Steve Ray, 2016-2017
- Greg Klunder, 2014-2015
- Ian R. Lewis, 2012-2013
- S. Douglass Gilman, 2010-2011
- Becky Dittmar, 2009
- Gary Brewer, 2008
- James Rydzak, 2007
- Diane Parry, 2006
- Mark Hayes, 2005
- Mike Blades, 2004
- Ron Williams, 2003
- Mike Carrabba, 2002
- David A. Laude, 2001
- John Koropchak, 2000
- Robert G. Michel, 1999
- John Graham, 1998
- Mildred Barber, 1997
- Rachael Barbour, 1996
- Jon W. Carnahan, 1995
- Paul Bourassa, 1994
- Robert Watters, 1993
- Karmie Galle, 1992
- David Coleman, 1991
- Nancy Miller-Ilhi, 1990
- Alex Scheeline, 1989
- James Cavanaugh, 1988
- Patricia Rouse Coleman, 1987
- Ronald Schroeder, 1986
- Robert Barford, 1985
- Theodore Rains, 1984
- Mary Kaiser, 1983
- Sydney Fleming, 1982
- Jack Katon, 1981
- L. Felix Schneider, 1980
- Peter Keliher, 1979
- James Williamson, 1978
- Edgar Peck, 1977
- Edward Brame, 1976
- James Holcombe, 1975
- James White, 1974
- Jeannette Grasselli, 1973
The duties of the Secretary shall include:
- Recording the minutes of the Governing Board meetings and distributing same to the members.
- Circulating the agenda and other appropriate materials to the members of the Governing Board in advance of each regularly scheduled meeting.
- Maintaining a list of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of:
* All members of the Governing Board
* The membership and chairs of all committees of the Governing Board
* The heads of all member organizations
- Maintaining a roster of duly appointed delegates from the member organizations, calling the roll of delegates and announcing the voting of those present at the Governing Board meetings.
The Secretary position is elected by the Governing Board and the current term is 3 years.
Name/Term: - Glen Jackson, 2017-2020
- Chris Palmer, 2009-2016
- David Trimble, 2007-2009
- John Graham, 2004-2006
- Karmie Galle, 1998-2003
- Ron Williams, 1993-1997
- Keith Olson, 1987-1992
The duties of the treasurer include:
- Maintaining the financial accounts and records of FACSS (and its associated activities including the SciX conference).
- Preparing reports of:
* The SciX Conference.
This report summarizing all of the expenses and revenues associated with the Conference shall be completed following the Conference but no later than January 20 of the following year.
* The financial status of FACSS.
This report which shall summarize the financial position of FACSS will include a Conference summary, a listing of all of the assets of FACSS (Capital Items, Bank Accounts, Special Accounts, Investments, and Accounts Receivable), a listing of liabilities (Accounts Payable and other Debts), and the income and expenses associated with the governance of FACSS. This report shall be completed by January 20 of the following year.
- Prepare conference and Financial Status Reports to all member organizations, delegates, and officers of FACSS at least one month prior to the Governing Board meetings (for distribution by the International Office).
- Reporting regularly to the Budget Committee, the various committee chairs, and the members of the Executive Committee on the status of revenues and expenditures associated with impending Conference and with governance, and on the balances in the FACSS accounts.
- Advising the officers and the committee chairs on financial practices.
- Implement advice, requirements, and procedures in financial practice as recommended by a FACSS retained tax- or legal-professional as required to maintain compliance with current government financial practice requirements.
The Treasurer position is elected by the Governing Board and the current term is 3 years.
- Mark Druy, 2013-2018
- Scott McGeorge, 2009-2012
- Paul Bourassa, 1997-2008
- Jeff Brewster, 1995-1996
- Jon Carnahan, 1990-1994
- Ronald Schroder, 1989
- James Purcell, 1987-1988
Marketing chair
The duties of the Marketing Chair include:
- If possible, obtain the mailing lists of area Analytical and Spectroscopy Societies.
- If possible, obtain the mailing lists of attendees at recent Pittsburgh Conferences, International ACS meetings, etc. who live in a specific radius of the Conference city.
- Develop a mailing / contact list of local area laboratories.
- Prepare flyers, local Convention and Visitors Bureau brochures with FACSS information, etc. This material should then be distributed within the local area via the mailing lists named above.
- Make sure the Science and Chemistry Departments of the area Colleges and Universities as well as area scientific companies know about the various short courses and workshops that are being offered.
- Establish press kits.
- Generate news releases for local papers and journals.
- If possible, stimulate the interest of local television news programs and arrange for interviews with key FACSS officials and keynote speakers.
- Be available to provide registration forms, housing information, information about the program and information regarding social events, etc.
- Be available during the week of the Conference to assist the press and others in getting information out to the public.
Further duties are outlined in the FACSS operations manual.
The Marketing Chair position is appointed by the Governing Board Chair and approved by the Governing Board.
- Karen Esmonde-White, 2020-2021
- John Wasylyk, 2017-2019