IRDG Chalmers and Dent Student Travel Award
The Chalmers and Dent Student Travel Award has been established to recognise and support an outstanding PhD student through financial support to present their research to an international audience at the annual SciX meeting. The award is named after two previous chairs of the IRDG, John Chalmers and Geoff Dent, in recognition of their continuing support for the IRDG and in particular for their support of students and earlycareer researchers. Throughout their careers, both John and Geoff have been highly active in the development and promotion of the vibrational spectroscopists of the future in both academia and industry through mentoring, encouragement and inspiration.
2019 Recipient
Elizabeth Legge, University of Surrey and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
Elizabeth graduated with a BEng in Electronic Engineering from the University Of Surrey in 2016, which included a placement year at Buhler Sortex, working in the research and development hardware team. In July 2016 Elizabeth started her PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of Surrey and National Physical Laboratory (NPL). The PhD is under the supervision of Prof S. Ravi P. Silva (Surrey), Dr Vlad Stolojan (Surrey) and Dr Andrew J. Pollard (NPL), with a focus on investigating larger area graphene and other 2D materials for real world applications. Now in her third year of her PhD, Elizabeth has published a paper on the characterisation of reduced graphene oxide for conductive thin films and contributed to the graphene good practice guide published by NPL. Her most recent work includes using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) to determine the location of defects on commercial graphene samples. During her PhD, Elizabeth has been a postgraduate institute (PGI) ambassador and member of the Juno team at NPL. During her role as an ambassador she has helped to organise two student conferences. She has been awarded grants from the Graphene Flagship to attend Women in Graphene (March 2018 and February 2019). Elizabeth is a member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the Infrared and Raman Discussion Group (IRDG).
This student award will enable an outstanding student to attend and present their research in the area of vibrational spectroscopy in one the IRDG sessions at the SciX conference.
- This is an annual IRDG award which will be presented to an outstanding PhD student to allow them to attend and present their research on vibrational spectroscopy at the SciX conference.
- The IRDG Chalmers & Dent award will consist of a guaranteed oral presentation in an IRDG organised SciX session, free registration and £500 towards travel to attend the conference.
- The student awardee must be a member of the IRDG on January 1 of the year of the award and still be a registered PhD student at the time of the SciX presentation.
- The student must be carrying out research in the area of vibrational spectroscopy.
- Applicants must submit a copy of the conference abstract that they would submit to SciX, their CV and a supporting statement (no more than one side of A4 paper) outlining their achievements and why the attendance at SciX would benefit them.
- The deadline for applications is March 31; applications should be sent to
Past Recipients
2018 Anastasia Kapara
2017 Rachael Cameron
2016 Carl Mensch